MGH Developed Device Monitors Key Step In Development of Tumor Metastases. (Device Monitors Development of Tumor Metastases) (EUREKA ALERT).
Nature: The Race is on May 16th! Dicty World race is around the corner! Who will win the $5,000.00USD cash prize?. (The Game is On!) (Nature News).
The WSJ Post: Start Your Dictyostelium. Daniel Irimia is organizing a global race for slime molds at MGH. (The Dicty Races 2014: Dicty vs. Neutrophils)(The ASCB Post).
The ASCB Post: Dicty World Race 2014 (The Dicty Races) (The ASCB Post).
Dicty World Race 2014 (Dicty 2014 Home Page) (Elisabeth Wong and Bashar Hamza Dicty 2014 Submission).
Cellular Nascar (News article) (Chemical & Engineering News).
November, 2013
BMRC to host World Cell Race 2013 (News article) (World Cell Race site).
September, 2013
Modeling inertial focusing in straight and curved microfluidic channels.
June, 2013
Restoring appropriate movement to immune cells may save lives of patients with serious burns.
June 19, 2013
The Conspiracy To End Cancer.
April 1, 2013
The BioMEMS Resource Center receives a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a method to screen patients for anti-malarial drug resistance.
October, 2012
A faster way to catch cells: New microfluidic device could be used to diagnose and monitor cancer and other diseases.
February 22, 2012
Rolling Cells on the BiophysJ Cover
February 21, 2012
Massachusetts General Hospital Center Reignites Methods in Bioengineering Conference
April 6, 2011
New test under development could find single cancer cell in blood
January 4, 2011
MGH test for cancer gets backing
January 3, 2011
Circulating Tumor Cells Reveal Lung and Prostate Cancer Biology
Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2010
La diagnosi e tascabile
July 15, 2009
To fix healthcare, some study developing world
July 2, 2009
Top 10 New World-Changing Innovations of the Year
Circulating Tumor Cell Chip - Breakthrough Awards 2008 - Popular Mechanics
October 10, 2008
Microchip-Based Device Can Detect Rare Tumor Cells In Bloodstream
January 2, 2008
Detection of circulating epithelial cells